The following are a few websites that may be very helpful for current and future teachers in the classroom Arrangement and organization decisions. - This is great website that shares art work from different teachers for students from different age groups. It provides some great information about seasonal art works as well as content knowledge art. They have a Facebook and twitter page where teachers can share their ideas. Classroom desk arrangement is site to help teachers with their classroom arrangement. On this website teachers are able to select the number of students that may be in their class and find creative classroom arrangement to satisfy the class size. Teachers are also able to share their ideas as well. Class4teachers is great interactive website that allows teachers to design their own classroom. Teachers are able to put in the dimensions of their classroom and select items for the classroom. - Organized classroom provides some great ideas for teachers to organize their class. There many do it yourself tips for teachers to keep their classroom organized. This website allows for teachers to blog about their ideas or tips that they have used. This is great themed website.